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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

Alexander Prentice of Carluke, Scotland

Alexander Prentice of Carluke, Scotland
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Spring 2001 and Revised: 15 Jul 2010

Earlier Note: This article updates and replaces our Summer 2000 article on John Prentice of Scotland and Canada. John is one of Alexander's children

We are helping Christine Hadden, Carole Black, Margaret Pearcy, Sandi Prentice Pearcy and Helen Theimer (See Fn. 3) in preparing the following family tree.

A. John Prentice. We do not have a birth date for John, but in view of his 1797 marriage, he was likely between the ages of 17 and 27 and was probably born between 1770 and 1780. John d. at an unknown date before 1841.

He m. Margaret Smith. Banns were proclaimed on 27 Jan 1797 Carstairs where Margaret's parents lived. They were m. in the Parish of Carluke on 23 Jul 1797. Margaret Smith's parents were Alexander Smith and Elizabeth/Betty Simpson of Carstairs who were m. c. 30 May 1756 in Carstairs. Margaret was b. c. 1778, perhaps in Carstairs and d. 27 Jan 1862 (per Helen Theimer, email, 28 Jul 2003). In the 1841 census Margaret appears as a "Widow", then 63, was living next door to her son Alexander and his family.

Also shown in the 1841 census living with the family was a Margaret “Prentice” aged 20 (b. c. 1821) and her daughter Rachel. That Margaret Prentice might be Margaret's daughter but she might also be her son Alexander's daughter (or daughter in law) by a prior marriage of Alexander or his wife.

Margaret's known siblings were Mary Smith, b. 27 Mar 1757 , and William Smith, b. 8 Jul 1759. John and Margaret had the following known children (per Helen Theimer, email, 2  1 Jul 2003:

  1. Alexander Prentice, b. c. 1798 or 1799. . . . . . . . [1]
  2. Marion Prentice, b. 1801 and d. 1869. Bur. in Carluke Old Church Yard, Scotland. She m. Hugh McMinn. He was b. c. 1794 in Ireland. Children:
    1. Isabella McMinn. She m. John Thompson 1844 in Carluke, Scotland. Dau:
      1. Jeannie McMinn Thompson. She m. James Faser and had Christina Martin Fraser.
    2. Robert McMinn
    3. John Prentice McMinn b: 1837
    4. Jemima Bell McMinn
    5. Agnes McMinn

1. Alexander Prentice was b. in Carluke, 1798 and d. 23 Feb 1887 (per Helen Theimer's email of 21, 28 and 29 Jul 2003 citing Alexander's statutory death record and carved stone grave marker in the Old Carluke Cemetery naming Alexander and adding "who died in his 89th year" February 23 1887; (the death certificate agrees and notes at 8 a.m.), giving his age as "88". and the information that he was the widower of Jane Lindsay).

Also living in Alexander's home in the 1881 Carluke census was John Liddell, grandson, age 11 and b. 1870, Carluke. He would be the John Alexander Prentice Liddell shown in the IGI as b. 12 Nov 1869, Carluke, Lanark, Scotland, son of Janet Lindsay Prentice and Lohn Liddell.

Christine Hadden advises that Alexander does not appear in the IGI, nor is there any evidence of him in the Carluke Old Churchyard Monument Inscriptions and there's no sign of them. Neither does he appear in our own Scotland birth and christening records; that indicates he may have been born at a place other than Lanarkshire.

Alexander Prentice m. Jane Lindsay, called "Jean" in her birth record and childhood (per Helen Theimer, email, 29 Jul 2003). Jane/Jean was b. 1802 in Shotts, dau. of Andrew Lindsay (b. 15 Feb 1787, Shotts, son of Alex Lindsay and Agnes Steel) and Elizabeth Hamilton who were m. 17 Jan 1801 in Shotts). (per Helen Theimer, email, 21 Jul 2003).

Children of Alexander Prentice and Jane Lidsay (per IGI and Sandi Prentice Pearcy's letter of 1 Feb 2001):

  1. John Prentice, b. 26 Aug 1836, Craford Walls, Scotland. . . . . [2]
  2. Angus Prentice, b. Jun 1839 at Carluke (per Sandi Pearcy, email, 6 Jan 2003).
  3. Margaret Prentice who m. Alexander Millar on 20 Mar 1859 at Carluke.
  4. Marion Prentice who m. Miss Neil. Children (per Helen Theimer, 3 Dec 2001):
    1. Jennie Prentice. She m. M. J. Gibb.
      1. W. Neil Gibb m Miss N. Kidd
        1. Roy Neil Gibb
        2. Michel Gibb
  5. Cecelia Prentice who m. Peter Dickson on 8 Jun 1851, Carluke (per IGI).
  6. Jean Prentice who m. Sandy/Alexander Telfer on 12 Jun 1853, Carluke (per IGI). They had 1 or more children, including: (per Helen Theimer)
    1. Rev. Sandy Telfer. Minister at Loch Lomand in 1921.
  7. Mary Prentice who m. John Smith on 16 Sep 1855 at Carluke. They had a son, John Smith (per IGI and Helen Theimer)
  8. Janet L. Prentice who m. John L. Liddell on 19 Jun 1866 at Carluke (per IGI). Children (per Helen Theimer, email, 3 Dec 2001):
    1. Alexander Liddell. Died young.
    2. Margaret/Maggie Liddell. Died young.
    3. Jeanie Liddell. Died 1935?
    4. John Liddell. He m. M. Hamile. Children:
      1. Helen Liddle. She m. S. Sloan.
        1. Margaret/Maggie Sloan m. Henderson.
        2. Ellie Sloan
      2. John Liddell m. Bessie and had a dau., Mary.
  9. Alexander/Sandy Prentice who m. Margaret Calder.
  10. Andrew Prentice, b. 1844 and d. 1922. . . . . . . . [1a]

1a. Andrew Prentice, b. 1844 and d. 1922. He m. Margaret Weir on 12 Jun 1874 at Carluke. Margaret was b/ c/ 1847 and d. 29 Aug 1941 in her 94th year (per IGI and Helen Theimer). Andrew and Margaret lved in Crawford Walls in 1916. His obituary relates that at the time of his death he lived at Brookbank nurseries and

    " Like many of the youths of our town at that period he learned the mason trade. … Returning to this town about forty years ago, he was among the first to grow strawberries, and 25 years ago he became associated with his son in tomato growing, they being among the first to erect tomato houses for commercial purposes in the parish of Carluke."
The family had named their nurseries which occupied land at Crawfordwalls Brookbank, perhaps because they were on the bank of Jock's Burn. And so though San and Maggie lived in the very small house at Crawfordwalls, it was referred to as "Brookbank Nurseries." (When Andrew's daughter, Jessie, died, February 26, 1936 at the age of 54, her obituary gave another bit of detail. about the nurseries. Andrew's obituary again reemphasizes the relation of the family to their church, The Church of the Original Secession:
    "It is interesting to recall that, like his father the late Alexander Prentice, he was a member of the session, being appointed an elder 34 years ago. At this election of elders it was found that every member's voting paper contained the name of 'Andrew Prentice.' "One of nature's true gentlemen, he was interested in everyone and everything. And, while declining publicity, had a way of making his influence felt. This was always for good. He was respected by all creeds and classes."

A relative, Margaret Prentice, was told by the family when she visited in 1926 that, as the funeral procession passed through a "rough" section of town the family saw that the colliers had lowered their shades, mark of respect unusual and unexpected of them, and an indication of the breadth of feeling for him. Children:

  1. Alexander "San" Prentice. He m. Margaret/Maggie Stewart and lived in Crawford Walls in 1916. He d. in June 1946. She d. 15 Jan 1963.
  2. Jessie Prentice, b. c. 1882 and d. 26 Feb 1936, age 54. Jessie lived in Crawford Walls in 1916. Did not marry. She d. 26 Feb 1936. Her obituary phasizes that Prentice trait of generosity and kindliness: "A worthy representative of a very old Carluke family, she will be missed in many quarters. . . . Generous to every good cause, she was ever ready to lend a helping hand, and her friends believe this had much to do with the breakdown in her health. A great lover of animals and birds, no stray cat or hungry dog was ever turned away from Brookbank. Miss Prentice had a very fine taste in books, her library was the envy of many and in constant circulation."

2. John Prentice was born 26 Aug 1836 in Crawford Walls (or Craford Wells per Carol Black's email of 6 Jun 2001), Scotland and d. 23 Apr 1909 in Minden, Haliburton Co, Ontario, Canada. Crawford Wells shows on the map of Carluke Parish in the Carluke website as Crawfords Walls on the banks of Jock's Burn just outside Carluke, Lanarkshire.

John Prentice married Christina McColl, also of Scotland on 18 Mar 1856. She was b. 22 Sep 1836 in Lanarkshire, Scotland and d. 1912 in Minden.

They had celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 18 Mar 1906 in Minden Twp, Ontario. John Prentice and his wife Christina McColl are both buried in the Minden Cemetery in Haliburton County along with a number of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

On their wedding day the boarded a ship which carried them to Canada. After living in Carluke, Ontario and Minden, Ontario, he eventually settled in Alberton, Ontario in 1856 and was a dealer in general merchandise. Perhaps he operated the country store, or one like it, which is still there today.

Alberton, although quite small, still exists today at the intersection of Highway 2 and Alberton Road. Alberton is on Highway 2 between Ancaster and Brantford, Ontario. It consists of a school, country store, a garage and a few houses and perhaps a farm.

Children of John and Christina:

  1. Catherine Forest Prentice, b. 20 Mar 1857, Carluke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]
  2. Alexander Prentice, b. 16 Sep 1858, Carluke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4]
  3. Angus James Prentice, b. 1 Dec 1860, Carluke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [5]
  4. John Lindsey Prentice, b. 23 Jul 1863, Carluke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [6]
  5. Andrew Lindsey Prentice, b. 19 Aug 1865, Carluke, Ontario and d. 13 Jan 1893. (But See Fn. 1)
  6. Christina Jane Prentice, b. 28 Jul 1867, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [7]
  7. John Lee Prentice, b. 17 Nov 1869, Alberton, Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [8]
  8. William Patrick Walker Prentice, b. 26 Feb 1872, Carluke. . . . . . . . . . . [8.10]
  9. Thomas Calder Prentice, b. 6 Apr 1874, Alberton, Ontario. . . . . . . . . . .[8.20]
  10. Duncan Buchanan Prentice, b. 15 Nov 1877, Alberton, Ontario. . . . . . . [8.30]
  11. Jessie Cecilia Prentice, b. 3 Jul 1880, Minden, Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [8.40]

3. Catherine Forest Prentice, b. 20 Mar 1857, Carluke, Ontario, Canada and d. 6 Mar 1907, Fergus. She m. Charles Albert Hammill in Sep 1874 in Carluke, Ontario.

  1. A listing of her descendants is contained in Sandi Prentice Pearcy's letter of 1 Feb 2001.

4. Alexander "Alex" Prentice was b. 16 Sep 1858, Carluke, Ontario, Canada (per the 1930 census record of his son, James), and d. 6 Sep 1932. He later appears in the 1901 Canada census in the Riverside Sub District, Lisgar District of Manitoba, and the 1911 Canada census in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan:

He m. Helen/Hellen Lunan on 11 Jul 1882. She was b. 27 Feb 1860, probably in Ontario, Canada (per the 1930 census record of her son, James). Children per 1901 Canada census in the Riverside Sub District, Lisgar District of Manitoba, the 1911 Canada census in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, and Ancestry.com :

  1. Lindsay Boyce Prentice, b. 27 Feb 1885, Minden, Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4.10]
  2. Wilbert Alexander Prentice, b. 18 Jul 1884, Minden, Ontario and d. 29 Apr 1917 in Aubigny, France,probably in WW I. See Footnote 4
  3. Ernest Albert Prentice, b. 5 Nov 1885. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[4.20]
  4. John Angus Prentice, b. Jul 20, 1886 or 1887, age 14. At home in Moosejaw in 1911. He m. Sarah May Rozell on 14 Sep 1912.
  5. James Stuart "Stuart" Prentice, b. 1 Jul 1889. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4.30]
  6. Christina Annabel Prentice, b. 22 Nov 1893. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4.40]
  7. Beatrice Helen Prentice, b. 11 Feb 1896. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4.50]
  8. George Lee Prentice, b. 6 Jul 1899. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[4.60]

4.10 Lindsay Boyce Prentice, b. 27 Feb 1885, Minden, Ontario.

He m. Annie Emma Perkins on 22 May 1907. Children:

  1. Florence Helen Prentice, b. 26 Apr 1908. She m. Mr. Haines and had a son and daughter.
    1. (dau.) Haines. She m. Mr. Faires.
    2. (son) Haines. He m. Miss Mayervich and had a dau. and son.
  2. George Alexander Prentice, b. 10 Jul 1909. He m. and had 2 daughters.
    1. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Roberts and had a son and 2 daughters.
    2. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Burrows and had a son and daughter.
  3. Lindsay Lee Prentice, b. 9 Sep 1910. Either he, Wilbert or Gordon m. Miss Clerihue and had 2 sons and a daughter.
  4. Irvin Stanley Prentice, b. 10 Feb 1914, Waldeck, SK, and d. 29 Mar 2008 . His Obituary of 22 Apr 2008 in the Richmond, California, Review reads as follows:

      PRENTICE, Irvin Stanley
      Saturday, 29 Mar 2008
      Burnaby NewsLeader Burnaby, BC

      PRENTICE ~ IRVIN STANLEY: Born February 10, 1914 in Waldeck, SK, peacefully passed away at Westminster House, White Rock, on Saturday, March 29, 2008 with his brother Wilbert and nephew Peter by his side. Irvin was predeceased by his beloved wife Sadie on September 30, 1997. He is survived by his brother Wilbert Prentice (Bette) of Langley, 4 nephews, 6 nieces and many grand nephews/nieces and dear Priscilla de los Reyes, who cared for Irvin & Sadie so lovingly she became their adopted daughter. All have many happy memories at the White Rock cottage.

      Irvin served as a gunner with the Second Battalion Canadian Scottish Regiment in Italy during World War II.

      A memorial service will be held at First United Church, 15385 Semiahmoo Avenue, White Rock on Saturday, April 19th at 11:00 AM. A family gathering at Manchester Cottage will follow. Flowers gratefully declined. Memorial donations if desired may be made to World Vision Canada.

  5. Wilbert Stuart Prentice, b. 16 Dec 1915. He m. Bette. Living in 2008 per obit. of his brother, Irvin.
  6. Gordon Firkins Prentice, b. 16 Aug 1917. Either he, Lindsay or Wilbert m. Miss Smyth and had:
    1. Living son Prentice
    2. Living dau. Prentice
    3. Living dau. Prentice
    4. Living dau. Prentice. She m. Mr. Mathieson and had 2 sons and a daughter.
    5. Living dau. Prentice. She m. Mr. Lo and had a son and 3 daughters.
    6. Living son Prentice

4.20. Ernest Albert Prentice, b. 5 Nov 1885. He m. Rose Bertha Middleton on 3 Jun 1914. Children:

  1. Eila Eveline Prentice, b. 4 Aug 1915. She may be the dau. who m. Roscoe W. Smithey who was b. 155 Oct 1884, Johnson, IN, and d. Aug 1988. They had 2 daughters.
    1. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Denis and had 2 daughters.
    2. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Kunzli and had a son and 2 daughters.
  2. Maria Irene Prentice, b. 16 Feb 1917. She may be the dau. who m. Gordon McLachian in 1917 and had 2 daughters.
    1. (dau.) McLachian. She m. Mr. King and had a son.
    2. (dau) McLachian. She m. Mr Burnyeat and had a son and daughter.
  3. Donald Wilbert Prentice, b. 27 Nov 1921. He may be the son who m. Miss Reed and had a dau. who m. Mr. Ritza.
  4. Ernest Grant Prentice, b. 31 May 1925. He may be the son who m. Miss Russell and had:
    1. Living son Prentice M
    2. Living son Prentice M
    3. Living dau. Prentice. She m. Mr. Jenkins and had a daughter.
    4. Living dau. Prentice.

4.30. James Stuart "Stuart" Prentice, b. 1 Jul 1889, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and d. 12 Dec 1921 per Ancestry.com . At home in Moosejaw in 1911. Ontario, Canada. He may have been in government service of some type since 2 of his children were born in India in the 1920s. James and his family appear in the 1930 census in Defiance, Defiance Co., OH where he is identified as a College Professor. He does not appear in the SSDI.

He m. Margaret McDonald on 12 Dec 1921. She was b. in Kingston, Ontario. For an interesting description of his visit to Scotland, see Fn. 3. Children:

  1. Wilbert Neil Prentice, b. 19 Nov 1923. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4.31]
  2. Helen Agnes Prentice, b. 24 Sep 1925, India. She m. Mr. Theimer.
  3. Margaret Jean Prentice, b. 27 Jun 1927. She may be the Madge Laughlin mentioned in the obituary of her brother, Robert, below.
  4. Robert Alexander Prentice, b. 2 Sep 1932, Middlebury, Addison Co., VT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4.32]

4.31 Wilbert Neil Prentice, b. 19 Nov 1923 and d. 3 Aug 1995.

He m. Elizabeth Jane McKee on 17 Aug 1957. Her obituary of 24 Jan 2008 in the Advocate reads as follows:

    Elizabeth "Betty" Jane Prentice
    May 22, 1925-Jan. 23, 2008

    A memorial service for Elizabeth ?Betty? Jane Prentice, 82, of Newark, formerly of Granville, will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at the First Baptist Church of Newark, 1000 Granville Road, Newark, with the Rev. Joe Leonard officiating. A private graveside service will be held at College Cemetery at Denison University, Granville.

    Betty passed away peacefully Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008, at SharonBrooke in Newark. She was born May 22, 1925, to the late Dr. Roland and Alice (Nelson) McKee.

    Betty grew up and lived in Syracuse, N.Y., until she married the late Wilbert Neil Prentice in 1957, then moved to Granville. She attended Syracuse University and was member of the Alpha Rho Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Betty graduated cum laude with a degree in psychology in 1948. She worked as a stenographer at the Department of Pediatrics at the State University of New York in Syracuse. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Newark. She also was a former member of League of Women Voters and a former member and past president of Granville Music Club. In addition, she was a member of Order of Easter Star State of New York, Central City Chapter 433, Syracuse, N.Y. Betty attended Central Ohio Technical College and received an associate of applied science degree in criminal justice technology in 1992. Her hobbies included studying the art of Isshin Ryu Karate-Do, volunteering more than 4,000 hours at Licking Memorial Hospital, and following the Reds and Cubs baseball teams.

    Surviving are her sons and daughters-in-law, James Alexander and Joy Ann Prentice, of Granville, and William Alfred and Virginia Lynne Prentice, of Thornville; and grandchildren, David Neil and Maria Christine Prentice, both of Granville. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; and one brother, James Rolland McKee.

    Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at McPeek Funeral Home, 133 S. Prospect St., Granville.

    To sign an online guest book or send condolences, visit www.mcpeekfuneralhome.com.

    Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Central Ohio, 2269 Cherry Valley Road, Newark, OH 43055.
    Originally published January 23, 2008

Children of Wilbert and Elizabeth per Ancestry.com and Ancestry.com :

  1. (son) Prentice. He may have d. before 2008 as not mentioned in his mother's obituary. He m. Miss Broughton and had:
    1. (dau.) Prentice.
    2. (son) Prentice. He m. Miss Allen.
    3. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Boehm and had a daughter.
  2. James Alexander Prentice, born 3 Nov 1959. He married Joy Ann Winsley on 10 Sep 1994. In 2008 living in GranvilleThey have 2 children.
    1. David Neil Prentice, born 23 Dec 1996 and
    2. Maria Christine Prentice, born 23 March 1998.
  3. William Alfred Prentice, born 7 Aug 1962. He married Virginia Mattis on 14 May 1994. In 2008 living in Thornville.

4.32 Robert Alexander Prentice, b. 2 Sep 1932, Middlebury, Addison Co., VT, and d. 4 Jun 2014, Rancho Bernardo, CA, age 81 years. In 2002 he lived in San Diego, CA. His obituary reads as follows:

    Prentice, Robert 09/02/1932 ~ 06/04/2014 SAN DIEGO -- On June 4, 2014, the world lost a truly special person and became a colder, darker place when Robert John Alexander "Bob" Prentice of Rancho Bernardo, California passed away at the age of 81.

    Bob, born in Middlebury, Vermont on September 2, 1932, was the youngest of four children born to James Stuart and Margaret McDonald Prentice. He graduated from Middlebury High School and then Middlebury College, graduating with honors.

    Bob married his high school sweetheart, Helen Broughton of Bridport, in Middlebury on April 3, 1956.

    He graduated from Officer's Candidate School, serving three years in the Navy where he attained the rank of Lieutenant, and participated in over 140 aircraft carrier landings. Later, he worked for GE Credit, was CFO for Security Pacific, founded Vector Financial, and was CFO and Director of Business Intelligence at AHL in San Diego before retiring in 2004. Bob had many interests including golf, reading, and travel, having visited more than 26 countries and most of the 50 states, (he hitchhiked across the country three times). He was an avid fan of he Orioles and Colts of Baltimore, Toronto Maple Leafs, and the San Diego Chargers and Padres. Bob was a proud Scot and traveled to Scotland with his wife Helen, sister Helen, and brother in-law Hugo.

    He is survived by Helen, his loving wife of 58 years; his children: Karen, Katherine and Bruce; daughter in-law Patricia; grandchildren: Cristy, Ryan and Thomas; sisters Helen Theimer and Madge Laughlin; close friend of the family, Rene; as well as many nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws, friends, and his adoring cat Tuffy.

    Bob was predeceased by his brother Neil, in 1995.

    Services were conducted June 20, 2014, at Oak Hill Cemetery in Escondido, California. In recognition of his naval service, he was buried with military honors and to honor his Scottish heritage, a single bagpiper played. The loss of this wonderful man has been devastating to our entire family. We miss you every day and will always love you!! Happy Father's Day!! publication logo

He m. Helen Mae Broughton on 3 Apr 1956 in Middlebury, Addison Co., VT. Living in 2015. He was then in the US Navy. She was b. c. 1936 in Bridport, VT, and was the dau. of Oliver L.Broughton (b. Bridport, VT) and Blandine Charron (b. Casselman, Ontario) per Vermont Marriage Records . Children:

  1. Karen Diana Prentice, b. 20 Apr 1960. She m. Robert Randall Boehm. Daughter:
    1. Christy Nicole Boehm, b. 5 Mar 1986.
  2. Bruce Stuart Prentice, b. 1 Oct 1965. Twin. He m. Patricia Mae (Allen) Lore on 7 Nov 1992. She was b. 17 May 1950. He m. Patricia M. Lore. In 2002 they live in Grand Terrace, CA. (Patricia Prentice, email, 5 and 6 Feb 2002). Step children:
    1. Ryan Patrick Allen, b. 17 Jun 1977.
    2. Thomas Michael Allen, b. 29 Jul 1982.
  3. Katherine Jesse Prentice, b. 1 Oct 1965. Twin.

4.40. Christina Anabella Prentice, b. Nov 22, 1893, age 7. At home in Moosejaw in 1911. She m. Percival Moir Madden on 23 Jul 1913, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada. Children per Ancestry.com :

  1. Morley P. Madden, b. c. 1914. He m. Miss Johnson and had a son and daughter.
    1. Son Madden. He m. Miss Coates and had a daughter.
    2. Dau. Madden. She m. Mr. Vanmatre and had 3 daughters.
  2. Beatrice H. Madden, b. c. 1916. She m. Mr. Cooley and had a son and 2 daughters.
    1. Dau. Cooley. She m. Mr. Fithian and had a son and 2 daughters.
    2. Dau. Cooley. She m. Mr. Auer and had 3 daughters.
    3. Kemp Patrick Cooley, b. 6 Jul 1951, Myrtle Point, OR, USA.

4.50. Beatrice Helen Prentice, b. 11 Feb 1896, Newmarket, Ontario, age 5, and d. 1982, Surrey, British Columbia. At home in Moosejaw in 1911.

She m. Magnus Linklater in Jun 1919. Children:

  1. Margaret Helen Linklater, b. 2 Aug 1919. She m. Mr. Murdoch and had 2 sons and a daughter..
  2. Raymond Edwin Linklater, b. 6 Nov 1920. His plane was shot down over France, probably in WW II..

4.60. George Lee Prentice, b. 6 Jul 1899 or 1900, Minden, Ontario, Canada. Not home in 1911 census.

He m. Carolyn Martha Schoppart on 12 Mar 1925. Children:

  1. Nancy Carroll Prentice. She m. Mr. Canby and had 2 sons.

5. Angus James Prentice, b. 1 Dec 1860, Carluke, Ontario.

He m. Elisa Jane Jordan on 25 Dec 1883. She was b. 1863 in West Garafraxa, Dufferin, Ontario, Canada. Children:

  1. John Leslie Prentice, b. 19 Jan 1886, Fergus. He m. Luella May Street on 23 Dec 1912. Children:
    1. Margaret Elizabeth Prentice, b. 17 Sep 1914, Toronto.
    2. Esther Maye Prentice, b. 16 Jul 1916, Toronto.

  2. Margaret Elizabeth Prentice, b. 10 May 1890, Toronto and d. 7 May 1912 in Toronto.

6. John Lindsey Prentice, b. 23 Jul 1863, Carluke, Ontario. He m. 1st Mary Etta McElwain on April 11, 1888. At the time of their marriage he lived in Hamilton, Minden and she lived in Snowden, daughter of William and Elizabeth McElwain. John m. 2nd Catherine A. Armstrong on 17 Jul 1895. Catherine was b. 23 Jul 1863. Children of John and Catherine:

  1. Gladys Irene Prentice, b. 27 Mar 1900, Minden. She m. Wilfred Earl Weaver on 16 Nov 1921.

  2. Clarence Albert Prentice, b. 17 Jun 1891, Toronto. He m. Ann Isabel Walters on 30 Jun 1915.

7. Christina Jane Prentice, b. 28 Jul 1867, Carluke (but See Fn. 1), Ontrario. She m. Sylvester Bradley on 26 Oct 1887. Daughter:

  1. Esther Cecelia Bradley, b. 24 Jul 1901. She m. Ernest William Rivers on 26 Dec 1923. Daughter:
    1. Lois Jean Rivers, b. 19 Dec 1925.

8. John Lee "Lee" Prentice, b. 17 Nov 1869, Alberton, Ontario and d. 27 Nov 1940. Bur. in t. Hope Cem., Ashland. He appears in the 1900 Ashland, Ashmland Co., WI census as "Lee Prentice" with his wife and children. They appear in the 1930 census in Barksdale, Bayfield Co., WI with no children at home. His obituary reads as follows:

    Prentice, Lee (1869 – 4 Dec. 1940)

    Funeral services for Lee Prentice, 69, a former Abbotsford resident, were conducted Saturday at Ashland. Mr. Prentice died of a heart ailment, Wednesday morning.

    Mr. Prentice, a Soo Line conductor until 1926, lived in Abbotsford from 1915 until 1922. The past 12 years he spent the summers at his home at Barksdale and the winters in Florida. The past nine months he had been living at Ashland. He was a member of the Masonic Order, the Order of the Eastern Star and the Presbyterian church.

    Surviving Mr. Prentice are his widow, three sons: Dr. W. Prentice, Ashland, William of Cornell and Sylvester of South Bend, Ind.; ten grandchildren and several brothers in Canada.

He m. Edith Deborah Watson on 16 Jan 1895 in Minden, Haliburton Co., Ontario, Canada. She was b. Jul 1873 in Laper Co., MI (with her father b. in England and mother in English Canada) and d. 1945. Bur with her husband in Mt. Hope Cem., Ashland, Ashland Co., WI. Living in 1940 in Ashland, WI. Children:

  1. Sylvester Lee Prentice, b. 21 Oct 1895, Ashland, WI and d. 24 Jan 1978 in Ft. Wayne, IN. He appears in the 1920 Cornell, Chippewa Co., WI census, unmarried, living with his brother, William. 1940 living in South Bend, IN, per his father's obituary. He m. Florence Wade on 20 Apr 1920, Duluth. She was b. 24 Sep 1896, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. B. Wade of Duluth. Their wedding announcement in the 25 Apr 1920 Duluth News-Tribune says that they will be living in Cornell, WI, where he and his brother [John] are engaged in the hardware business. Children:
    1. Stanley Edward Prentice, M.D., b. 25 Jul 1912. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [8.50]
    2. Shirley Eloise Prentice, b. 20 Apr 1920, Cornell, WI. She m. Leo J. Baden on 29 Oct 1943. He was b. 3 Jun 1920 in Sherwood, OH. Son:
      1. John Mark Baden, b. 4 Mar 1947, Sherwood, OH.
    3. Virginia Lee Prentice, b. 25 Apr 1922, Cornell, WI. She m. Jack Rowland Finley on 16 Jun 1949, Cornell, WI. He was b. 17 Jun 1919.
    4. Wade Watson Prentice,b. 26 Jul 1928, Cornell, WI. He m. Pauline Egger on 8 Mar 1952. She was b. 3 Jul 1932 in Chattanooga, OH. Son:
      1. Blake Allen Prentice, b. 17 Jan 1955, Ft. Wayne, IN.

  2. John Watson Prentice, "Bud", b. 7 Mar 1897, Ashland, WI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [8.5]

  3. William Stewart Prentice, b. 16 Aug 1900, Ashland, WI. He appears in the 1920 Cornell, Chippewa Co., WI census, unmarried, living with his brother, Sylvester. It is unclear whetherr he is the Dr. W. Prence of Ashland, WI, in the 1940 obit. of his father. He m. Ruth Alice Leland on 16 Aug 1927 (but see Fn 2). Children:
    1. Mary Ruth Prentice, b. 13 Jul 1929, Ashland, WI.
    2. William Leland Prentice, b. 13 Jul 1929, Ashland, WI.
    3. Jerry Don Prentice, b. 11 Aug 1930, Ashland, WI.

8.5 John Watson Prentice, "Bud", b. 7 Mar 1897, Ashland, WI and d. 6 Aug 1981. Bur. in Mt. Hope Cem., Ashland, Ashland Co., WI; his bur. record shows him as "Dr. John W. Prentice."

He m. Margaret Virginia Culver on 1 May 1920 in Minneapolis, Hennipen Co., MN. Margaret was b. 17 Aug 1897 in Eau Claire, WI and d. 31 Dec 1987, Leesberg, FL. Bur. in Mt. Hope Cem., Ashland, WI. She was the dau. of Thomas Bull Culver and Bertha Miller. Her obituary reads as follows:

    Orlando Sentinel, The (FL) - Sunday, January 3, 1988: Margret C. Prentice

    MARGARET C. PRENTICE, 90, 98 Inglewood Road, Inglis, died Thursday. Born in Eau Claire, Wis., she moved to Inglis from Leesburg in 1987. She was a homemaker and an Episcopalian. Survivors: daughters, Mrs. Beverley Walker, Leesburg, Mrs. Sally Bannister, Inglis; 11 grandchildren; 11 great- grandchildren. Harden-Pauli Funeral Home, Eustis.

Children of John and Margaret:

  1. Bruce Culver Prentice, b. 25 Nov. 1920, Minneapolis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [9]
  2. Beverly Prentice, b. 13 Aug 1922, Ashland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [10]
  3. John Watson Prentice, Jr., b. 13 Nov 1925, Amery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [11]
  4. Sally Prentice, b. 1 Feb 1927, Amery, WI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [12]

8.10. William "Will" Patrick Walker Prentice, b. 26 Feb 1872, Carluke, Ontario. He m. Melvina Rose Gray on 3 Sep 1901. Children:

  1. Morgan Lee Prentice, b. 27 Jun 1903, Minden. He m. Lila Jean Cheney on 18 May 1927. Children:
    1. William Beverly (Prentice?), b. 9 Feb 1929
  2. Maron Delynn Prentice, b. 25 Sep 1907, Minden. She m. Jas. Harold Smith on 29 Mar 1929.
  3. Duncan Buchanan Prentice, b. 29 Mar 1917, Minden.

8.20. Thomas Calder Prentice, b. 6 Apr 1874, Alberton, Ontario. He m. Jane Pritchard on 25 Dec 1900. Jane was the dau. of Joseph Pritchard and Elizabeth Hobden. By email of 3 Feb 2001, Eleanor Jane (Prentice) West advises that Thomas is her grandfather. Both are bur. in Minden Cemetery. Children (per Sandra Pottier, email, 22 Jan 2003):

  1. Alice Maron Prentice, b. 27 Sep 1905, Minden. She m. Henry Archibald Smith who was b. 9 Sep 1909. Son:
    1. Walter Prentice Smith, b. 26 May 1942. He m. Pat.
    2. Muriel Elizabeth Smith. She m. and divorced.

  2. Muriel Lyall Prentice, b. 25 Aug 1907, Minden. She m. Ross Harrison on 17 Nov 1934.
    1. Thomas James Wesley Harrison, b. 21 Oct 1946.

  3. Thomas Leslie Prentice, b. 7 Jul 1910, Minden. He m. Nina Grimston.
  4. Mable Isobel Prentice, b. 8 Aug 1915, Minden. She m. Sinclair Russell.

8.30. Duncan Buchanan Prentice, b. 15 Nov 1877, Alberton, Ontario. He m. Anne Pritchard on 1 Jun 1904. At the time of their marriage,Duncan was a Mason, Ancaster Twp., Minden; Anne lived at Stanhope, Minden. Annie is the daughter of Joseph Pritchard, farmer, and Elizabeth Hobden. Annie was born 23 Mar 1879 in Minden and died at her daughter's cottage in Maple Lake in 1961. Duncan was killed in a sawmill accident at Prentice Sawmill in Minden. After his death, Annie remarried Dunn Gibbs and had 5 more children. Both she and Duncan are buried in Minden Cemetery. Children of Annie and Duncan:

  1. Frederick Harland Prentice, b. 31 May 1905. He m., as her 1st husband, Jessie May Peck, b. 23 Apr 1908 and d. 18 Jun 1991. She was the dau. of Francis Hamilton Peck.. Known children per Family Tree Maker; Paul H. Buttimore :
    1. Francis Frederick Prentice "Frank", b. 26 Mar 1926. He m. Madeline Bird. Daughter:
      1. Douglas Bryan May, b. 10 Jan 1968.
      2. Kevin Gerald May, b. 23 May 1971.

  2. Bryan Reginald Prentice, b. 2 Aug 1928. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [8.31]
iii. Clifford Duncan Prentice, b. 3 Nov 1906, Minden. He m. Jennie and had 2 sons, both married, one of whom is Joseph/Joe Prentice (per email of 23 Dec 2004).

iv. Joseph McColl Prentice, b. 28 Feb, Minden. He m. Audrey Madell on 11 Jul 1942. Children:

  1. Barbara Prentice, b. 3 Jun 1946.
  2. Susan Prentice, b. 26 Dec 1948.

8.31 Bryan Reginald Prentice was b. 2 Aug 1928 at an unknown location, and d. 4 Dec 2006 at the age of 79. His Obituary, published in the "Haliburton Echo" (Ontario, Canada?) on 12 Dec 2006 reads as follows:

    Obituary for Bryan Reginald, U.E. Prentice

    PRENTICE, Bryan Reginald, U.E. - Passed away on Monday, December 4, 2006 in his 79th year. Beloved husband of Kathleen (Nee Brown). Cherished father of Dawn and her husband Tony Spires of Sudbury, and Kim and her husband Bud Clarke of Newmarket. Loving grandpa of Erin and James Spires. Bryan will be sadly missed by his brother Frank and his wife Madeline, nieces, nephews relatives and friends.

    At Bryan's request, no funeral service will be held. In Bryan's memory, donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the charity of choice. Arrangements entrusted to Skwarchuk Funeral Home, Mt. Alberta. (1-800-209-4803) 1046996

He m. Kathleen Brown. Children, per above obituary:

  1. Dawn Prentice. She m. Tony Spires and in 2006 lived in Sudbury. Children:
    1. Erin Spires.
    2. James Spires.

  2. Kim Prentice. She m. Bud Clarke and in 2006 lived in Newmarket.

8.40. Jessie Cecilia Prentice, b. 3 Jul 1880, Minden, Ontario. She m. James Parker on 14 Sep 1905. He was b. 30 Jun 1879, Glasgow, Scotland. Children:

  1. John Andrew Parker, b. 4 Jan 1908, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  2. Mary Christina Parker, b. 26 Sep 1909.

8.50 Stanley Edward Prentice, M.D.,b. 25 Jul 1912. and d. 21 May 2000, Inverness, FL, age 87. An Ancestor Chart for him can be found at Ancestry.com . His obituary reads as follows:

    St. Petersburg Times (FL) - Wednesday, May 24, 2000: PRENTICE, DR. STANLEY EDWARD

    PRENTICE, DR. STANLEY EDWARD, 87, of Far Hills, N.J., and Inverness, died Sunday (May 21, 2000) at home. Born in Brooklyn, NY.

    He was a winter resident here for 11 years from Far Hills. He was a retired psychiatrist whose career spanned 41 years, having practiced in Tenafly and Englewood, N.J., serving as chief of psychiatry for Englewood Hospital. He graduated from Colgate University and the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. He was an Army Medical Corps veteran of World WarII.He was a member of the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, and the New Jersey Medical Society.

    Survivors include his wife, Mary Gano; three sons, Dr. Charles Prentice, Inverness, Robert Prentice, Blue Jay, Calif., and John Prentice, Allentown, Pa.; a daughter, Wendy Prentice Cramer, Plano, Texas; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

    Chas E. Davis Funeral Home with Crematory, Inverness.

He m. Mary Gano, b. c. 1920, Wolf Point, MT, and d. 20 Jun 2003, Inverness, FL. Her obituary reads as follows:

    St. Petersburg Times (FL) - Sunday, June 22, 2003: PRENTICE, MARY L.

    PRENTICE, MARY L., 83, of Inverness, died Friday (June 20, 2003) at Citrus Memorial Hospital, Inverness. Born in Wolf Point, Mont., she came here 14 years ago from Far Hills, N.J., with her husband of 57 years, the late Dr. Stanley Prentice. She was Methodist. Survivors include three sons, Dr. Charles Prentice, Inverness, John Prentice, Allentown, Pa., and Robert Prentice, Blue Jay, Calif.; a daughter, Wendy Cramer, Plano, Texas; a brother, Robert Gano, Cresent City; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Chas. E. Davis Funeral Home with Crematory, Inverness.

Children of Stanley and Mary:

  1. Dr. Charles Alexander Prentice, b. 31 Oct 1943. He m. Kathleen Barbaro. 2003 in Inverness, FL. 2016 in FL.
  2. John Gano Prentice, b. 5 Jan 1945, 2003 in Allentown, PA. 2016 in GA.
  3. Robert Scott Prentice, b. 11 Apr 1950, NY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [8..51]
  4. Wendy Prentice, b. 19 Sep 1952. She m. Mr. Cramer and in 2003 lived in Plano, TX.

8.51 Robert Scott Prentice, b. 11 Apr 1950. 2003 in Blue Jay, CA. His obituary, below, seems to indicate he was b. in NY, and d. at Lake Arrowhead, CA, c. 1-4 Jul 2016. His obituary can be found at GenealogyBank, but it reads, in part, as follows:

    Mountain News & Crestline Courier-News (Lake Arrowhead, CA) - Tuesday, July 5, 2016:

    Robert Scott Prentice. . .

    [The marriage date of Craig Prentice-Wattson is] 7 July 1977.

    [Robert] is survived by his wife, Linda;
    his son, Craig Prentice-Wattson and his true and most excellent wife, Erica, Vancouver, Washington;
    his grandson, Parker Jade Prentice-Wattson, always a Yankees fan and a flight medic in the U.S. Army, San Antonio, Texas;
    his beautiful granddaughters, Cambria Rose Prentice-Wattson, and Sophia Mae Prentice-Wattson, Vancouver;
    his two elder brothers, Dr. Charles Alexander Prentice (and his wife, my beloved sister, Kathleen Barbaro Prentice), Florida, and John Gano Prentice, Georgia;
    his sister, Wendy Cramer, Texas;
    his nephew, Scott Michael Prentice, San Francisco;
    his nieces Stephanie Prentice Cooper (Barton), Georgia, Stacey Prentice Burge (Steve), Florida, and Beth Ann Prentice Marques (Jason), Florida;
    his grandnephews, Kelly, Quinn, and Rory Cooper, Georgia;
    and his grandnieces, Eshun and Evy Burge, Florida, and Kate Marques, (a mermaid!) Florida.

He m. Linda (Wattson?), living in 2016. Son:

  1. Craig Prentice-Wattson, a police officer, Vancouver, WA. He m,.Erica on 7 Jul 1977. 2016 in Vancouver, WA. Son:
    1. Parker Jade Prentice-Wattson. 2016 a flight medic in the U.S. Army, San Antonio, TX. Daughters:
      1. Cambria Rose Prentice-Wattson, Vancouver, WA.
      2. Sophia Mae Prentice-Wattson, Vancouver, WA.

9. Bruce Culver Prentice, b. 25 Nov. 1920, Minneapolis, Hennipen Co., MN and d. 8 Jul 1981, Ashland, Ashland Co., WI. Bur. in Mt. Hope Cem., Ashland where his bur. record calls him "Dr. Bruce Culver Prentce."

He m. Lorraine Stark on 3 Sep 1943 in Ashland, WI. She was b. 23 Oct 1921, Bayfield, WI and d. 25 Feb 19894 or 1995, Ashland, WI. Bur. in Mt. Hope Cem., Ashland. She was the dau. of Harold Stark and Josephine Libby. Children:

  1. Jo Ann Prentice, b. 31 Mar 1948, Minneapolis. She m. Donald Andrew Zifko on 16 Aug 1986 at Ashland, WI. He was b. 9 Dec 1947, Ashland, WI and was the son of Francis Zifko and Agnes Rose. Children:
    1. Jennfer Jo. Zifko, b. 16 Jun 1972, Ashland, WI. She m. Mark Ottmann on 22 Feb 1997 in Ashland, WI. He was b. 9 Aug 1961 in Ashland. Son:
      1. Jared Francis Zifko, b. 15 Jun 1998.
    2. Elizabeth Ann Zifko, b. 2 May 1976, Ashland, WI. She m. Christopher Janu Lustig on 25 Nov 1996, Ashland, WI.

  2. Susan Margaret Prentice, b. 21 Aug 1949. She m. Henry Conral Martinson on 26 Dec 1970 in Ashland, WI. He was b. 19 Feb 1949 in Ashland. Children:
    1. Jessica Ruth Martinson, b. 7 Nov 1971, Ashland, WI.
    2. Stephanie Susan Martinson, b. 8 Aug 1973, Ashland.
    3. Henry Prentice Martinson, b. 19 Dec 1977, Ashland.

  3. Bruce Lee Prentice, b. 31 Aug 1951, Minneapolis. He m. Joleen Rea Mesko on 21 Aug 1982 in Barksdale, WI. She was b. 5 Sep 1954, Ashland, WI, dau. of Mitchell Mesko and JoAnn Mesko. Daughter:
    1. Lauren Whitney Prentice, b. 29 Dec 1985.

  4. John Harold Prentice, b. 10 Jul 1953.

10. Beverly Prentice, b. 13 Aug 1922, Ashland, WI, and d. 3 Sep 2013, Cleveland, GA. Her obituary reads as follows:

    Beverley Prentice Walker, b.1922-08-13; d.2013-09-03; Cleveland, GA, US; Marietta Daily Journal/ (contributed by Scott Prentice)

    Beverley Prentice Walker, age 91, of Cleveland, Georgia died September 3, 2013. Mrs. Walker was born and raised in Ashland, Wisconsin on August 13, 1922. She was the daughter of the late Dr. John W. and Margaret Culver Prentice.

    She was preceded in death by her husband of 56 years, Claude H. Walker; brothers, Dr. Culver Prentice and J.W. (Jack) Prentice.

    Survivors include sons and daughter-in-law, Michael P. Walker, of Sevierville, TN and Terry S. and Maureen Walker of Marietta, Georgia; sister, Sally Bannister of Inglis, Florida; Nieces and Nephews.

    Mrs. Walker was active in Girls Scouts, earning the Golden Eagle Award. She attended St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota prior to entering the United States Marine Corps during WWII. She and Claude, also a Marine, were married February 9, 1946 in Ashland, Wisconsin. Mrs. Walker received a bachelor's degree from Northland College, Ashland, Wisconsin; master's degree from University of Georgia, with further study at Emory University, Georgia State University and University of Georgia. Mrs. Walker taught for thirty years in the Cobb County School System which included Department Chairman at Wheeler and Walton High Schools. She held offices in professional organizations both local and state, and in AARP.

    From childhood through adulthood, she participated in music organizations. She was one of the founding members of the Marietta-Cobb Symphony Orchestra; Recent years, a member of the Nacoochee Strummers dulcimer organization. She was active in helping to establish Sharing and Caring I the Clarkesville area; was a life member of the American Legion, Marine Corps Association, Women in the Service.

    Mrs. Walker and her husband became avid RV users, traveling throughout the United States and Canada with side trips into Mexico. They lived in White County's Kellum Valley since 1979. A lifelong Episcopalian, she was a charter member of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, White County. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the memorial fund at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, P.O. Box 536 Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571.

    Memorial Services are scheduled for 1:00 PM Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection. Interment will follow in the Church Columbarium. Barrett Funeral Home, Cleveland.

She m. Claude H. Walker on 9 Feb 1946. He was b. 25 Jul 1917, McCaysville, GA, and d. before 2013. Children:

  1. Michael Prentice Walker, b. 5 Sep 1952, and d10 Sep 2013, Se3vierville, TN. 2013 in Sevierville, TN. His obituary reads as follows:

      Mountain Press, The (Sevierville, TN) - Friday, September 13, 2013: Michael Prentice Walker

      Michael Prentice Walker, age 61, of Sevierville, passed away, Tuesday, September 10, 2013.

      He was preceded in death by his parents, Claude and Beverly Walker. He is survived by his brother, Terry Walker and cousin, Kathryn McWaters and husband Curtis.

      A memorial service will be held 1 PM Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at Resurrection Episcopal Church, 1755 Duncan Bridge Road, Sautee, GA 30571. Cremation arrangements by Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. www.atchleyfuneralhome.com

  • Terry Shelton Walker, b. 8 Mar 1955, Marietta, GA. Living in 2013. He m. Maureen McDonnell on 27 Nov 1983. She was b. 10 Nov 1957, Memphis, TN. 2013 in Marietta, GA.

    11. John Watson Prentice, b. 13 Nov 1925, Amery, WI and d. 18 May 1978 in LaPointe, WI. He m. Ellen kathryn Erickson on 31 Dec 1946 in Ashland, WI. She was b. 10 Mar 1926 in Ashland, WI, dau. of J. Arvid Erickson and Nora Alvina Nelson. Children:

    1. Margaret Allen Prentice, b. 8 Mar 1947, Ashland, WI. She m. David Charles Pearcy and she m. James W. Barlow on 6 Aug 1992 at Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. Son:
      1. David John Pearcy, b. 27 Jul 1973, Marshall, Lyon Co., MN. He m. Meichele Nall who was b. 3 May 1975, dau. of Jerry Nall and Betty Sedlaczeke. Child:
        1. Skyler Meichele Pearcy, b. 29 Nov 2000, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.

    2. Kathryn Marie Prentice, b. 5 Feb 1949, Ashland, WI. She m. Curtis Eugene McWaters on 18 Nov 1975, Marietta, GA. He was. b. 21 Sep 1955, Marietta, GA, son of Arnold Benjamin McWaters and Sybil Ida Jarvis.

      1. Angelynn-kay Prentice McWaters, b. 7 Nov 1975, Marietta, GA.

    3. Paul Lee Prentice, b. 15 Dec 1951, Ashland, WI. He m. GiGi Burke in Sep 1975 in Aurora, IL. Children:

      1. Steven Lee Prentice, b. 27 Apr 1975, Aurora, IL. He m. Julie Delbeck in Apr 1994 at Austell, GA. Children:
        1. Steven Lee Prentice, b. 12 Jun 1995, Austell, GA.
        2. Hallie Marie Prentice, b. 14 Nov 1999, Austell, GA.
      2. Carrie Ann Prentice, b. 15 Nov 1978, Aurora, IL. She m. Patrick Hall in Apr 1997. Children:
        1. Tyrika Michelle Hall, b. 24 Jan 2000, Austell, GA.

    4. Barbara Jean Prentice, b. 9 Oct 1955, Ashland, WI. She m. Michael A. Moore on 1 Jul 1978, LaPointe, WI. He was b. 17 Dec 1955 in Bayfield, WI.

    12. Sally Prentice, b. 1 Feb 1927, Amery WI. She m. Hugh Bannister on 16 Oct 1948. He was b. 16 Sep 1924, Buffalo, NY, son of Hugh Bannister, Sr. and Bernice Erickson. Children:

    1. Ann Bannister, b. 30 Sep 1949, Ashland, WI. She m. Daniel Green.

    Who are John Prentice's Parents?

    We do not yet know the identity of John Prentice's parents. If we assume that that it was John's first marriage and John was born between 1770 and 1780 so as to be between the ages of 17 and 27 at the time of his 1797 marriage, we find the following christenings listed in Glasgow records:

    1. John Prentice who was chr. 25 Dec 1770 in Carluke, son of John Prentice and Euphemia Scott according to Glasgow christening records. No other John Prentice appears in Glasgow records as christened in Carluke in that 1770-1780 period. Working against that proposition, however, is that the 1770 John may have married Marrion Burns on 17 Nov 1793 at Carluke and by whom he had children who were christened up to 1803 (see our Spring 2003 article about John Prentice of Carluke

    2. John Prentice who was chr. 12 May 1776 in Carnwath, son of James Prentice and Margaret Meikle of Carnwath.

    3. John Prentice who was chr. 24 Dec 1780 in Lanark, son of John Prentice and Betty Tod of Lanark.

    And finally, no John Prentice is shown christened in Carstairs in the 1770-1780 time frame. However, slightly outside the 1770-80 time frame, we did notice a (no first name listed) Prentice, chr. 22 Jan 1768 in Carstairs, son of Thomas Prentice and Janet Orr of Carstairs where John Prentice and Margaret Prentice were married in 1797.

    Fn. 1: Carole Black's email of 6 Jun 2001 says Andrew and Christine were born in Alberton and not Carluke.

    Fn. 2: Carole's email, above, says William and Ruth were m. 13 (not 16) Aug 1927.

    Fn. 3: By email of 25 Sep 2001, Helen Theimer provided us with the following thoughts about the family and descendants of Alexander Prentice:

      Since I learned that some people have an interest in the Alexander Prentice (the one who was born in 1798 and died February 23, 1887), I’ve been thinking about the Prentice family in Scotland from whom we are all descended or to whom we’re related. And I’ve been struck most vividly with a sense of how ordinary they would seem to an outsider.

      They were what we’d call blue-collar craftsmen and workmen masons and wood cutters, no famous people, no lawyers, members of parliament. Nor were they college or university graduates. They had a farm (apparently) but no wealth. And yet in their own way they were remarkable. Some of their qualities and color have come to me through stories and details remembered and told by my parents and Prentices of my grandfather’s generation which would be lost if I didn’t share them. Together with details from Alexander’s letters to his son, John, and John’s wife Christina (1856 and 1858), these family stories and much later newspaper accounts-- will serve, I think, to demonstrate the unordinary character of these people.

      Alexander Prentice and his wife Jane Lindsay lived at Crawfordwalls (It shows on the map of Carluke Parish in the Carluke website as Crawfords Walls) on the banks of Jock’s Burn just outside Carluke, Lanarkshire. They were the parents of nine children. I’ll give you their names because some of them appear in Alexander’s letters:

      1. Margaret, married to Alexander Miller, (Alex in letters),  March 20, 1859; 
      2. Maron married to a Neil (Mrs. Neil) 
      3. Cecelia married to Peter Dickson, June 8, 1851;  
      4. Jean married Alexander Telfer (known as Sandy, but called Alex in the letters), June 12, 
      5. our ancestor John, born August 26, 1836, married to Christina (as you know),  
      6. Mary, married to John Smith, September 1666, 1855; 
      7.  Janet, married to J.L. Liddell, June 19, 1866 
      8. Sandy (Alexander) born about 1842 , married much later to Maggie Calder, and 
      9. Andrew, born 1844 and married to Marguerite Weir June 12, 1874.  

      John., the fifth child and the oldest son, like all his brothers and sisters and his father before him, had been born at Crawfordwalls and before his marriage had worked with his father as a mason, building three stone houses, and as a sawyer, a forester cutting trees and peeling logs.

      John’s bride, Christina McColl, born September 24, 1836, was also the fifth child of nine. She was the daughter of Angus McColl (son of Angus McColl and Catherine Paterson; he had been born in Kenmore Parish, Argyle, May 27, 1800); her mother was Catherine Forrest ( who was the daughter of James Forrest and Jane Donald, born at Braidwood Parish of Carluke (“Katherine’s birth is recorded in the Old Parochial Register for Carluke 1801, as “Daughter to James Forrest and Jean Donald in Stockwell, born the 5th and Baptized the 8th November.”) .

      Christina copied the dates from her parents’ family Bible before she left home. When she married she already knew many practical things, including, spinning wool, baking and the keeping of a dairymaking cheese.

      Her mother’s ancestors, Forrests, had lived in that area for centuries. Christina’s parents had been married at Gillfoot, (which appears on the map of the Parish of Carluke) October 28, 1824. Christina’s four older siblings had all been born at Braidwood. (on the map very close to Carluke). Christina herself had been born at Newstedding, but her four younger sisters and brother had all been born at Cleghorn in the forester’s cottage where the family lived in 1856.

      Later Christina’s two brothers , Angus (born 10 Sep 1829) and James, (born 27 Nov 1841) moved to Canada, stayed with John and Christina for a while and then went on to found McColl Oil which later merged to become McColl Frontenac. There came a rift between Christina and her brothers over a family matter about which little is said.

      The marriage of these young people (not yet twenty years old) seems to have been approved by both sets of parents. Each gave as a wedding gift a set of dishes, one a chocolate set for two and the other a coffee set. These dishes were treasured and passed down at least to the third generation. The tea set of which I’ll supply a picture, has gold rimmed plates with a circle of delicate pink flowers.

      Plans had been carefully made, John and Christina would move to Canada; and under an agreement with “Squire” Calder, he would pay their expenses to Canada, in return for which John would work for him for a time. The hand-written marriage certificate reads:

              That John Prentice of  this parish
              And Christina McColl of the parish
              Of Biggar, were three times proclaim-
              ed in order to marriage, and no objection
              Offered, are attested at Carluke, 
              this 17th of March 1856, by
                      John Fraser. Sess. Clk.  (Session clerk)
              The above parties were
              Married at Windsor, in
              The parish of Lanark on this
              Eighteenth day of March
              One thousand eight hundred
              And fifty six years, by me
              ???  Milshave     (I can’t read either his first or last name>)
              Min. of Lanark

      Tradition is that they left the next day. The passage from Scotland to New York (en route to Carluke, Ontario) took six weeks--far longer than expected. Their ship was driven back by a storm for six hundred miles, or a thousand depending upon what story you believe, and as Alexander wrote in his first letter to John and Christine--a rumor was widely circulated in Carluke that the ship had been sunk.

      From Scotland Alexander wrote long and detailed letters to his son and daughter-in-law, which give a clear sense not only of his love for them , but also his interests; he was a serious man, an elder in the Original Secession Church (as was his son, Andrew, in his turn); he was interested in people, weather, economic and social circumstances, but above all a devout man expressing spiritual concern and Christian assurance for the lives of these young people whom he doubted he’d ever see again. Three of these letters have survived and are treasured by descendents.

      His first letter, June 1, 1856, is dated from “Bellwood, near Edinburgh/ By Rosten (or Roslin). In it, he asks for details about their voyage and their daily life. “Send word how you was used on board ship, if you got your provisions well cooked, and if you were all well treated. . . . Write what kind of food you get now and if you get plenty of milk. If you are near. . . a thermometer, I would like to know how it ranged during the summer months.”

      He writes of social and economic conditions. “Ever since you went away there has been a general strike among the colliers and miners all over the west of Scotland. . .The cause of the strike was the Iron and coal masters breaking the news, wages from 5/ to 4/ per day. . . . . Alex Millar and Alex Telfer went about idle for about a month. (husbands of John’s sisters Margaret and Jean)

      By the January 1858 letter, economic conditions were much worse: “Many have no work even around here. About Glasgow things are deplorable with so many failures and of course mills and factories that employed many hands stopped. There is a shilling a day of miners, colliers etc., and two or three weekly of tradesmen and laborers. The Western Bank, one that did more than any other bank in Scotland, is entirely ruined by reckless management. Shareholders will be mostly quite ruined. But we hope that things will soon take a turn to the better if it be the will of Him who ruleth over all so to order it.”

      About his own work, he writes in June: “ Sandy and I have been 7 weeks at Woodhall near Calderbank. . . . (Sandy must have been no more than fourteen years old at this time, and apparently had not been at school during all of April or May; indeed nothing is said of school for him.) The wood is on a piece of ground called Kullen Green where the battle of Pentland Hills was fought in Nov. 1666. We are just now cutting around the railing enclosing the headstone where two ministers and fifty other persons are buried who were killed by Dalziel of Binns. They were Covenanters and fell in their own defense and in defense of the covenanters’ work of Reformation.”

      “We are near Valleyfield Paper Mills, McGowans, Penicuik. . . . Since we came here we have been peeling larch, about 8,000 trees. Not half done yet. Then it will be to crosscut, and the bark to sort, and the sleepers to saw.. . .When we labor we get 16 shillings a week.

      “I would now notice the weather and crops.” (In the next letter, dated August 8, 1856) he writes, “We have had till the middle of July a very cold and windy season with much rain from the middle of April to the middle of July. Since then it has dried up gradually and become very warm. . …. I got a letter from Mary, Mrs. Smith, who is at Carluke at this time; she says at the end of her letter that ‘the thermometer is 120, but it was outside.’ And later, “The barley is changing from green to a yellow tinge.” And “The wheat has fallen 15 shillings the quarter. . . But I need not write much about these things as I have sent away a newspaper to you and intend to send a few more.”

      A little later still reporting the weather he adds, “something like the days that finished the oak peeling last year at Cleghorn, if you mind it, which I think you and Christina will well remember.” He passed on family news: “I got a note from Mary this day, who is up from Glasgow at Crawfordwalls; all is well there with your friends . . . . Mrs. Smith (He’s crossed out ‘Our Mary’) got a daughter about a month since; her and it are both well . . . John Smith is working at Carstairs Junction this some time past. . . When at home last I saw old John Crawford breaking stones at the Standing Stone Well Road; he told me that no more letters were come from you to us yet.”

      A year and a half later, January 1st, 1858: “This morning post brought a letter from Glasgow wrote by your sister Mary, Mrs. Smith . . . Your sister, Mrs. Neil is down with them for some weeks past. They do not say, but I guess that they are expecting a baby soon if all is well. . . . it is also with your sister Jean, Mrs. Telfer, an addition to their family if the Almighty be pleased to preserve and all will be well before long. My desire for them both is that the almighty may preserve them in the hour of Nature’s sorrow, and when he has brought to birth may he give strength to bring forth.”

      In the same letter, Jan. 1, 1858, he writes of health and gives lengthy advice on the prevention of colds. He reasons about the function of the skin as the body’s first line of defense as clearly as any homeopathic practitioner today: “We were gratified to learn that you were all so well-and with your description of little Catharine and the cold bath etc. I am of the opinion that is a good thing for promoting healthand from preventing the cold and many other disorders as it keeps the skin in a healthy and proper state. . . ” He himself had recently warded off a cold rubbing or washing “with wet cloth or sponge or flesh brush until the whole or almost the whole body be gone over. I have reason to thank the Almighty that I am quite betterand for directing such a safe and simple cure.”

      In that last, preserved, letter he writes, “There are some both of our old and young people also going the way of all the earth. Wm. Rogers’ mother, the oldest in Carluke Parishbeing 100 years and six months died a few weeks since, and old John Dickson died suddenly last weekend a young girl of one of our nearest neighbors, a daughter of James Waddels and Margaret Gilchrist of Stockwell. She died a few days after she was at Carluke when she was well and hearty. These things happening in one year and the beginning of another are warnings to us all that this world is not our home or true abode, and should lead us all seriously to inquire how matters stand with regard to our eternal interests the Salvation of our never-dying souls. The very first question of the Shorter Catechism is of the greatest importance to everyone of us, namely ‘Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. ’”

      The details of John and Christina’s years in Canada have been told many times, luckily a few times in writing by their son Alexander (Sandy) and by his ( Sandy’s) son, Stuart, among others.

      In Scotland the original Alexander died February 23, 1887. In his will he left shares in the three stone houses to each of his grandsons bearing the name Alexander. The Canadian Alexander (Sandy) evidently was slow to respond to the news of this legacy. And by 1916 further questions had arisen about these stone houses. Repairs were needed, and the hundred year lease on the property would run out before long. Should the Alexanders sharing ownership of the lease make the repairs or not?

      As it happened, Sandy’s son, my father, James Stuart Prentice, was serving with the Canadian 8th Field Ambulance in France. Urged by his father to visit Carluke and look into the matter, Stuart made use of a leave, arriving in October, 1916, unannounced and unsure who or what he might find.

      I see to my disappointment that Stuart’s written memoir merely summarizes that experience, which all of his children remember vividly from many dinner-table recountings. From the Carluke station he walked up the high street, until he saw a sign, “Prentice Blacksmith.” But the blacksmith denied any possible relationship, adding, “If you walk out a little way there on the Carnwath road, to a house with a wrought iron fence, I fancy you’ll find your people.”

      At a house as described, Stuart found an old man leaning on the gate. In response to Stuart’s explanation he asked,

              “And what is your father’s name, laddie?”
              “And your grandfather’s name?”
              “And your great-grandfather’s name?”
              “And when did your great grandfather die?
              “I think I remember a memorial card in the family Bible with the date 1887” 
              “You’re on the right track Laddie, come away in.”  And he opened the gate.
      That was how the story ended.

      In his memoir Stuart summarized the scene this way, “When I had established my kinship bound a doubt, he took me in and the reception I was given was beyond my imagination.” The old man was Andrew, much younger brother of Stuart’s grandfather John; the house he was living in,”Brookbank,” in town had been acquired by the family during recent years. But Crawfordwalls still belonged to them, and Andrew’s son, San (another Alexander) with his wife, Maggie (Stewart) still lived there. Andrew and his wife, Margaret Weir. had only one other child a daughter, Jessie who lived with them and never married. These were the immediate family. But there were many others. Stuart continued, “ In the next few days I was paraded from door to door in Carluke and Edinburgh to meet all of Prentice blood and their relatives near and far.”

      A cousin, John Gibb met Stuart during that visit. He must have been another descendent of Alexander Prentice by a daughter (I’m not sure which one). Years later, he wrote remembering Cleghorn Glen, “The first time I went through that glen was when your cousin Stuart Prentice was paying his first visit to Carluke in 1916, and our guide then was our good and kindly friend Alexander Prentice of “Brookbank” who has on so many later occasions led many of his younger relatives thro these same miles of wondrous beauty.”

      Stuart returned to visit again in 1918, and on both of these visits his Prentice cousins took him on long walks about the country. Walking was their great pleasure. On one of these visits he was taken out onto the moors. (Again though he told us this story many times it’s not in his World War I memoir.) He would say that the cousins first stopped at the edge, studied the sky and discussed the weather, because mists could come in and blot out the landscape. Satisfied, they took him far out into the featureless land, stopped and explained, “This is where one of your ancestors preached. This is how the Covenanters protected themselves against attacks by the English soldiers; they could seem them coming from far off. And of course the soldiers ran the risk of getting lost in unexpected mist.” There is no more to the story as it has come down. Just that a Prentice was a leader and pastor to a group of Covenanters, ready to risk danger and even death for his faith.

      “My cousins saw that history was my meat and drink.” So they devoted themselves to showing him everything, a trip by train to Sterling, “Long the capital of Scotland” especially the castle “for this had long been the residence of the kings of Scotland.” to nearby Lanark “with its legends of Wallace , across the Clyde to a “Circle of stones that once formed the walls of a Roman fort., and next day to Maudslie Castle, and they then crossed a bridge, and scrambled up the beautiful tributary valley of the Nethan River up to Craignethan Castle.” (This is no little scramble. Anyone who has made that climb in a car will be awed at the kindness, thoughtfulness, energy, and stamina of our Carluke cousins. But surely it was worth it; Stuart was transported with delight. Soon after that day, he writes, “I was taken to visit relatives in Edinburgh the glorious Athens of the North.”

      About the love of walking--the assumption that walking was a pleasure--Stuart was in complete agreement with his Scottish cousins, but not every visitor was. Not the next cousin, from Fort Wayne, Indiana--probably. He was in the army and had enough of walking. His ambition, which he satisfied, was to wear a kilt, so he borrowed the uniform of a member of a highland regiment and strode about Carluke, to the horror of his very proper Carluke hosts who feared he’d be arrested for impersonation. I doubt that the other cousins who followed during World War II, and were all warmly received ever did anything so shocking.

      Margaret MacDonald, engaged to Stuart, visited Carluke in 1921, on her way to India to be married and later wrote her impressions: The Carluke cousins “had made arrangements for us to visit Loch Lomond and visit Stuart’s father’s first cousin, the Rev. Sandy Telfer, who was minister there.” (He was the son of Alexander’s daughter Jean and her husband also Sandy Telfer.) . . .” I stayed with them two Sundays and went with them to two church services each time. . .

      The Telfers, like the Prentices, belonged to a very strict Presbyterian sect, “The Church of the Original Secession.”…. In Edinburgh I chose my china tea set and a less expensive set for dinner.. Jessie shopped with me. While I was looking at china patterns I had in mind remarks of one of the Prentice cousins. The Prentices were what in this country we call “plain people”; they did not approve of bright colors or expensive jewelry. Their greenhouses were prospering and they were very comfortably off; they could have afforded luxuries. But they gave generously to their church. One of them noted that when Maggie had married Stuart’s father’s cousin San, she had chosen a china pattern with bright flowers. The cousin was sure that I would chose something simpler and more tasteful. I saw Maggie’s china and thought it pretty and not gaudy at all. But I did choose simpler patters.

      I visited the church in Carluke (though I was not there on a Sunday); like the church at Tarbet it had no organ, which the Scots called a”kist of whussles.” Instead they had a presenter” with a tuning fork who started the singing, and they sang no hymns, only psalms and paraphrases of psalms.”

      Later, on the way home to Canada from India Margaret and Stuart visited Carluke again. Margaret wrote of the Prentice kindness to her (a mother of two) adding, “I remember how Auntie wrapped Helen in the shawl she was wearing” and said, “This is how we hold babies in Scotland.” The Telfers visited and brought their daughter and her husband who was a missionary in Central Africa. We heard later that she had died leaving a little daughter, Bandwae, Livingstonia. John Gibb appears with them in a snapshot taken during that visit.

      Andrew, the host of earlier visits, was not there; he had died in 1922. From his obituary we learn more about our Prentice kin.

        “Mr. Prentice belonged to one of the oldest Carluke families, being born 78 years ago in the house where his son presently resides at Brookbank nurseries. Like many of the youths of our town at that period he learned the mason trade. … Returning to this town about forty years ago, he was among the first to grow strawberries, and 25 years ago he became associated with his son in tomato growing, they being among the first to erect tomato houses for commercial purposes in the parish of Carluke.”

      The family had named their nurseries which occupied land at Crawfordwalls Brookbank, perhaps because they were on the bank of Jock’s Burn. And so though San and Maggie lived in the very small house at Crawfordwalls, it was referred to as “Brookbank Nurseries.” (When Andrew’s daughter, Jessie, died, February 26, 1936 at the age of 54, her obituary gave another bit of detail. about the nurseries. “Miss Prentice had a clear business brain and associated with her brother, Mr. Alexander Prentice, had a share in building up Brookbank Nurseries, the first and still the largest tomato growing establishment in the district.”)

      Andrew’s obituary again reemphasizes the relation of the family to their church, The Church of the Original Secession: “It is interesting to recall that, like his father the late Alexander Prentice, he was a member of the session, being appointed an elder 34 years ago. At this election of elders it was found that every member’s voting paper contained the name of ‘Andrew Prentice.’ “One of nature’s true gentlemen, he was interested in everyone and everything. And, while declining publicity, had a way of making his influence felt. This was always for good. He was respected by all creeds and classes.” Margaret was told by the family when she visited in 1926 that, as the funeral procession passed through a “rough” section of town the family saw that the colliers had lowered their shades, mark of respect unusual and unexpected of them, and an indication of the breadth of feeling for Uncle Andrew.

      Jessie’s obituary emphasizes that Prentice trait of generosity and kindliness: “A worthy representative of a very old Carluke family, she will be missed in many quarters. . . . Generous to every good cause, she was ever ready to lend a helping hand, and her friends believe this had much to do with the breakdown in her health. A great lover of animals and birds, no stray cat or hungry dog was ever turned away from Brookbank. Miss Prentice had a very fine taste in books, her library was the envy of many and in constant circulation.”

      Probably references to a sense of humor would be out of place in obituaries But San had one. We don’t have an obituary, or at least I don’t have one for San, but we do have two amusing pamphlets he wrote during 1914-18 about events involving an imaginary Original Secession congregation. These were intended to delight and were sold for a trifle as a contribution to the boy Scouts.

      A further clue to his sense of humor appears in quotations given by the “Carluke Gazette” for June 2, 1939; it has survived with a very full account of the dedication of “The Prentice Memorial Nurses Home on Kirkton Street,” a “freehold” house with shops adjoining, which San and Maggie gave in memory of his sister Jessie.

      In “handing over” the house “Mr. Alex. Prentice” said ”I find myself in the unique position of being the only person brought here under protest. . .. The very thought of what might be expected of me has reduced me, if not to tears, to paper. Carluke folk have their little peculiarities, one of them being that they may tolerate, but never appreciate a read sermon, far less a read speech or a long one, and the criticism of an old woman keeps ringing in my ears. Her verdict on her new minister’s first sermon was: It was read, it wisna weel read, and it wisna worth the readin.’…… Noting that the house had had one of the first bathrooms in Carluke , San observed, .”My own grandmother when she was a girl carried water with a ‘gur’ and ‘twa stoops’ from what was once a well in the green,” and so emphasized his modest origins.

      San was not very well during the Second World War; he died in 1946. Nevertheless he and Aunt Maggie entertained another generation of North American cousins distant nephews, both American (from Wisconsin and certainly at least another adventurous one from Fort Wayne or some such place), others whose families will still remember, including those from British Columbia, I think Irwin and Gordon. And most memorably Raymond, just before his plane was shot down over France. (He was the son of Beatrice, sister of Stuart and granddaughter of John).

      John Gibb wrote a tribute to him which focused on another visit to Cleghorn Glen. Aunt Maggie explained, “John Gibb wrote the poetry and San put the first part to it.. “ “Our young Canadian officer with the quiet tongue, but discerning eye got lost in admiration . . . . In the glen “No visitor’s book. A stately old beech makes a suitable substitute,”

                      Three letters, R.E.L.,
                      Cut on a beech,
                      A tale of honour tell.”

      Aunt Maggie made a visit to America in 1947, and was entertained all across the continent . When the Queen Mary docked Stuart and Margaret were there to meet her and drive her to Middlebury, Vermont, where their children, including Bob their youngest, taught her to play Old Maid and Crazy Eights. She found them fun. Of course the Original Secession Prentices had never touched a card. After a week, Stuart and Margaret put her on a train in Montreal to continue her adventure, and never did she find herself (as her own blood relatives had feared) standing alone and unmet. She was treated as the special person she was. Wonders awaited her across the Rockies, and one of the Ohio Prentices took her for a plane ride. She was never too old or too tired for anything.

      Back in Carluke one last American Prentice, Stuart’s son Bob, navy navigator, ensign, got leave from the aircraft carrier Saratoga to visit Carluke. Aunt Maggie was as generous as ever, but reduced to hiring a car and driver to take him around to all the Prentice sites. She had the driver take them up the tree-lined drive to the forster’s cottage, which still had, so Aunt Maggie said, the four box beds,--one in each corner. Yet already there had been other endings. Though much consideration and consultation had been given to the form of a memorial to Jessie, this house for Public Health nurses “did not work out.” And the family church, the Original Secession building had closed: “The young people wanted music.” Since then the nurseries have gone--not a trace of the greenhouses remains. The nurseries had been sold to “Dutch people, who grew flowers.” Frivolous things. Brookbank remains, but strangers live in it. A couple of years ago even the cemetery was closed by iron gates and sealed by a heavy chain and two padlocks.

      So in Carluke, Lanarkshire, Scotland, there would seem no trace of these Prentices , these very ordinary people. But to their family and friends they were, and are, anything but ordinary.


    Fn. 4: Wilbert AlexanderPrentice: By email of 16 Jun 2004, Helen Theimer provides the following additional information:

    Again, my father's memory of news about his brother, Wilbert Alexander Prentice. I hope that you will put this with my earlier quotation, written when my father learned of Bert's death and make it available to anyone who asks you for the details of our family in war.

    "April 28, 1917. The guns of our 3rd division's front between Vimy and Avion could be seen to have turned about and be firing in support of our right where the battle was raging. This is our first division's sector. I wondered how my brother was faring in that hurricane of steel.

    "The next day, April 29 I had a few hours of freedom at Neuville St. Vaast. I therefore went down to the lines behind 1st division's front. Here I learned that the 10th Batallion had come out of line greatly decimated, and would go to their "wagon lines" or rear headquarters at Mont St. Eloi the following day. So the next day I obtained a pass to visit that village. When I reached the town it did not take long to locate the 10th Batallion's huts. Here I waited for the unit to appear. I had known that this regiment had been gravely cut up in the taking of Vimy Ridge on April 19; and that it had been largely reinforced by men from the 209th Reserve Batallion from Swift Current , Saskatechwan, near my home town of Waldeck. But, even so, I was not prepared to see a battalion that had once more gone into action with about 35 officers and 1100men march in with but one lieutenant and 137 other ranks. The battalion had been so terribly decimated that I had no delay in locating what was left of my brother's platoon. Here a mutual friend from Waldeck, Hedley Dunn, told me that he had seen Bert taken out of the line with a very dangerous wound.

    With this ominous news I returned at once to Neuville St. Vaast; and--as I knew the procedure employed in evacuating the wounded--I went down the road once more to the 1st division's rear area. Here I soon located the dressing station of the Field Ambulance through which the wounded had been cleared; and from their records I learned that Bert had been evacuated with an abdominal wound. But the day had been exceptionally busy, so they were unable to advise me as to the Casualty Clearing Station which had been receiving the wounded at the moment when he was evacuated. There was nothing further I could do; but knowing the nature of his wound, I feared the worst; yet I must await news from home.

    "My diary says: 'Only two days in France; but he has done his duty.'... No less than forty families from within twenty miles of my home received the same sad news that month."

    Here in our small village families have sons in Iraq; their coffins come home. I feel my father's account of his experience as though it happened yesterday. And I know that all his life he did too, and also the deaths of his two closest comrades. He himself received a medal for heroism, but he make nothing of that particular day, cited in the commendation. Every day required from him and his companions equal courage as they went to the wounded wherever they were on the battle field and carried them out.

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