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Item name: | 1750 Indenture, Walsham le Willows, Suffolk |
Summary: | John Prentis the Younger to be deputy of Thurston Thomas, Esq. |
Description: | Manor document from Church House Manor, Walsham Le Willows. Thomas Thurston esq, steward of the manor first states that John Prentice the younger of Walsham le Willows is to be his deputy. It then states that John Gawsell, Cordwainer of Walsham Le Willows and Elizabeth his wife surrender messuages within the manor to James Hunt, Glover of Walsham Le Willows. Signed by Thomas Thurston and his servants John Rickard and Samuel Rogers.
It would appear that this John Prentis is the same John Prentice (#24) mentioned in Prentices of Palgrave, England in the Prentice Newsletter.
A big Thanks to Ian Prentice for transcribing this document! » If you have information about this item, please contact us.
» Transcription below. |
Date: | 1750 |
Location: | UK, Suffolk, Walsham le Willows |
Collections: | Legal documents |
Transcription: |
Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Thurston Esquire known
Steward of the Courts of the manor of Walsham Church house in the
county of Suffolk, have deputed authorised and appointed and by these [????]
presents do deputise authorise and appoint John Prentis the Younger of Walsham
in le Willows in the said county Gentleman to be my deputy Steward of the
said manor for this purpose only: to take out of court of the said manor of
and from John Gawsell the Elder of Walsham in le Willows aforesaid, [??]
Cordwainer, and Elizabeth his wife one or more surrender or surrenders
of all and every or any the messuages or parts of messuages, land, tenements,
hereditaments whatsoever of them the said John Gawsell and Elizabeth his
wife or either of them holden by copy of Court roll of the said Manor with
their appurtenances. And the conversion and conversions, remainder and remainders
thereof to the only and absolute use and behoof of James Hunt of Walsham in
le Willows aforesaid Glover and of his heirs and assigns for ever. Giving
and hereby granting to my said deputy Steward full power and authority for
me and in my place and stead to examine the said Elizabeth the wife of the said
John Gawsell being a [?same covert?] Apart from her said husband touching
and concerning the premises and to receive her separate private consent
to the same and further to act and do all and every matter and thing requisite
and necessary to be done for the complete passing such surrender or surrenders
as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if I myself were
personally present and the doer thereof so as such surrender or surrenders
together with this my deputation or a true copy thereof be certified and
returned at the next General Court to be holden and kept for the said Manor.
Given under my hand and seal this Twelfth Day of January in the 24th
Year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the second by the grace
of God King of Great Britain &c and in the year of our Lord 1750.
Sealed and delivered being first
Duly signed in the presence of Thomas Thurston [signed and sealed]
John Richard \ servants to
Samuel Rogers / Thomas Thurston |
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