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Know all Men by these Presents
that I Henry Prentiss of Princeton in the
County of Worcester [???] for and in conside-
ration of Sixty Six Dollars paid me by
Benjamin Holden Junr of the Same town
and County yeoman the receipt Whereof
I do hereby acknowledge. Do hereby grant
Sell & convey unto the Said Holden his
heirs and assigns the Pew No. 54 in Princeton
Meeting House situate on the west side of
the broad Alley in Said House to have &
to hold to him the sd Holden his heirs
and assignes forever and I do covenant
with the Said Holden that I am lawfully
Seized in [??] of the sd Pew that it is
free & Clear of all incumberances and
that I will warrant & defend the Same
to the Said Holden his heirs and assigns against
the Lawfull Claims & Demands of all
persons. In witness whereof I hereunto
Set my hand & Seal together with Elizabeth
My wife in token of her Relinquishment
of [???] this thenth day of April AD 1805
Henry Prentiss
Elizabeth Prentiss
Signed Sealed & delivered
in presence of us
John Gleason [????]
Mary A Gill |
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