Painesville, Ohio
August 16, 1998
A beautiful summer day - 80 degrees & sunny - awaited us at Helen Hazen
Wyman Park, Rte 86, Painesville Twp. At about 12:15 pm Jack Prentice started
our family church service with the help of his grandson, William B. Williams
II leading us in song. After another gradiose pot luck dinner enjoyed by
39, the business meeting of the combined 106th Prentice Reunion, 47th Prentice/Gleason
Reunion & 65th H.E. Prentice Reunion was called to order by President
Barbara Taft. Joan Winston introduced her guest, John Truman who is related
to many of those present. John gave a brief biographical sketch of his
life. Elsie Berg read the minutes from the Western Prentice Reunion. Joan
Winston read the minutes from last year's "Eastern" Reunion. Jaon also
read Thank You notes for our donations in Memory of Helen Agard, Neal Reynolds
& Marian Lohiser. The treasurer's report was read and approved. Instead
of a "Pass The Hat" collection, we had a Chinses Auction. President Barb
had the children pulling a ticket for an item periodically during the business
meeting. Vandy Lenz volunteered to procur the park for next year's reunion.
She will try to get Concord Woods again. All previous officers were re-
elected by unanimous acclaim. President: Barbara Taft; Vice- President:
Hazel O'Neil; Seceretaries: Elsie Berg & Joan Winston; Treasurer: Hazel
O'Neal. Charlie Prentice mentioned that his geneaology work is getting
really slow. Hi is still forging ahead trying to find Mrs. Peleg Prentice.
He will be making a trip to Columbas, Ohio on Tuesday to the Cooumbas Historical
Society Archives. Jaon Winston was given a picture from Helen Agard's collection.
Of course. there were no names on the back. Between Charlie Prentice &
John Truman, it was detemined they were John Ermon Truman and His wife
Florence Dayton Truman. Betty Spangler said that on her mother's birth
certificate her father's middle name was Edward. Most of us know him as
Herman Edwin Prentice. Charlie replied that lots of times information for
birth certificates back then were given at a later time or by someone other
that the parents. So many times there are discrepancies. He noted Hazel
Virginia Truman Prentice as an example. Her birth certificate reads Virginia
A. Truman. She was always know as Hazel Virginia. Vandy Lenz mentioned
that the Family Newsletter subscription is still only $5.00 per year. Last
year's subscriptions will run out in December, 1998. So be sure get your
cash, check or money order to Vandy before the end of December.