1. Rev. Oliver Prentice * was born on 25 Oct 1720 in Stonington, New London, CT. He died on 18 Oct 1755 in N. Stonington, New London, CT.
He was ordained as a Congregational minister in Stonington, CT., on 22 May 1753.
Oliver married Eliphal Noyes * daughter of Dr. James Noyes * and Ann Sanford * on 7 Apr 1743 in Stonington, New London, CT. Eliphal was born on 23 Jun 1717 in Stonington, New London, CT.
She resided in Noyes Beach, RI or Washington, RI.
After Rev. Oliver Prentice died in 1755 the record of Eliphal (Noyes) Prentice
becomes very scarce. However, there is an entry in the Stonington, CT,
Congregational Church of the marriage of an Eliphal Prentice to Lebbeus
Harris in 1758. Lebbeus Harris was a prominent founder of Horton, Kings,
NS. Doubtlessly, Lebbeus Harris along with his bride of two years, went to
Horton, NS, with his young children and her young children in about 1760-61.
The name "Harris Prentice" survived as a family name until the early 20th century.
Doubtlessly, Oliver Prentice, Jr., named his son Harris Prentice after his step-father
Lebbeus Harris.
Oliver and Eliphal had the following children:
+ 2 M i Oliver Prentice * was born on 8 Sep 1746. He died on 7 Mar 1804. + 3 F ii Dorcas Prentice was born on 6 Dec 1751. She died on 28 Feb 1802. 4 M iii James Prentice was born before 1756.